Is it possible to migrate project from different account/instances?

Hi Roboflow Team,

I am currently using the free version of Roboflow and have set up three accounts to test my model. I am interested in purchasing a paid version to access the service without restrictions, but I have important data in the other accounts. Is there a way to migrate the data from those accounts to the one I plan to upgrade, so I don’t have to purchase the service three times?

Thank you!

Hi @Mikhail_Korotkin - yes, you can export data and re-upload it to the new workspace once you upgrade.

Thank you very much—I found out how to do that. I have one more question: Am I correct in understanding that with the paid version, I have unlimited x in the data augmentation process, meaning I can generate an unlimited amount of augmented images (for example, x times the number of my original photos)?

The Starter Plan comes with 5x data augmentations on any given version (generally, we don’t recommend doing more than that or you risk overfitting your data)