How to have original un-augmented + augmented data at the same time?
I want to augment my data and also have the original data in the final export
but I couldn’t manage to figure out how other than to export two different instances, one without augmenting and another with
but then i discovered some problems as the data didnt work out well (yolo struggling to predict things correctly, seems its mismatched different classes but accurately detecting them)
Can i export data multiple times with the same augment settings?
will that produce different data each different exports?
and am i able to just mix all the exported data into one?
does changing one of the augment settings; for example, brightness by 1% will change everything?
what if i have other types of augments as well, like saturation and i didnt change those
but i only changed 1% of brightness
will that make other augments also unique or will that only change the ones that are affected by brightness