I’m trying the yolov8 object detection flow, using ubuntu and roboflow 0.2.29 and ultralytics 8.0.26 I just got with pip. I create my dataset on roboflow and train locally just fine. I am then falling down on trying to upload the resulting weights to roboflow.
When I run
project.version(DATASET_VERSION).deploy(model_type="yolov8", model_path=f"{HOME}/runs/detect/train/")
I get the error “An error occured when getting the model upload URL: This version already has a trained model. Please generate and train a new version in order to upload model to Roboflow.”
Even though there was nothing for that version in the deploy tab on the roboflow UI prior to running the command. However after running the command even though it says an eror occured the deploy tab now says
" Model upload is processing.
This page will automatically update when it’s ready to use."
with a spinner. But it seems to stay like this forever (at least it has remained in this state for more than 24 hours now).
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong here? Thank you!