Problem with unassigned batches: all images from batch disappear after job assignment

Hello Roboflow Support Team,

I am experiencing an issue with my project in Roboflow while trying to upload and annotate images for a new class. Here are the details:

  1. My dataset currently contains images for 15 classes. Recently, I attempted to upload images for a new class, “American_Curl”. The upload process appeared to complete successfully, and I proceeded to the annotation step by clicking “Save and Continue.”
  2. However, after clicking “Save and Continue,” all the images in this batch disappeared, and the batch itself was no longer visible in the annotation tasks. Before the upload, my dataset contained 4505 images, and the “Annotations” tab still shows this number. However, in the project overview, the total count reflects the addition of the new images, showing 4675 images.
  3. I made a second attempt to upload the same files, and this time the images appeared correctly in the annotation task. I managed to annotate 80 out of 170 images before returning to the project overview. Upon returning, the annotation task disappeared again, along with the images from this batch.
  4. Interestingly, the “American_Curl” class in the object list now shows 89 annotations (up from 0), but no corresponding images are available in the dataset or in any tasks.

This issue is critical as I am using this dataset for a coursework project. Could you please investigate this problem and help restore the missing images and associated annotations?

Here’s google drive link with screenshots of problems:

Here’s the link of my project from^

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