Hii Good Morning, thanks for replying as you mentioned there is no way to contact project owner directly no problem. Just one thing can I get a approval from you guys on mail that I can use this data sets for my masters research project that will help me a lot to get an approval from my college.
URL - ```
If possible plz help me. This is my mail id- [dhrumilsidapara4@gmail.com](mailto:dhrumilsidapara4@gmail.com)
All Roboflow Universe projects have licenses listed
Although this is not a legal explanation, here are the general guidelines surrounding academic use for the licenses that are on Universe:
Here is a table summarizing the licenses that are available on Roboflow Universe and their conditions for academic research usage:
Academic Research Usage
Public Domain
Public domain works can be used for any purpose without restriction.
The MIT license can be used for “software and associated documentation files”.
CC BY 4.0
Attribution required.
This license allows others to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation.
BY-NC-SA 4.0
Attribution required. Non-commercial use only. Share-alike requirement.
Allows others to remix, adapt, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as you attribute and license new creations under identical terms.
ODbL v1.0
Attribution required. Share-alike requirement. Contents must be kept open.
Allows others to share, adapt and use your database contents as long as you attribute and share new creations under identical terms.
These licenses only dictate usage from a legal perspective. Different schools/universities/colleges might have additional requirements, restrictions and discretion on how sources may be used and different countries and regions may have additional regulations on copyright and how they are enforced.
Generally, Universe is open-source and we encourage research and collaboration.