Negative (inconsistent image counts) number of images


I got negative count numbers (-35) in my dataset. How to repair? I can’t even export it.

Same question was asked 3 years ago (March 2022) by alfredv, and Co-founder & CTO of Roboflow, Brad Dwyer, promised that “the engineering team is working on fixing inconsistent image counts”. About 3 YEARS passed but no result…

  • Project Type: Object detection
  • Operating System & Browser: Windows
  • Project ID: gai_cha

Hello @Abdulla, I’m part of the Roboflow development team.

I have reviewed your workspace and corrected the image count. I noticed that your dataset still lacks images. The next step to generate a version would be to add annotated images to the dataset, and then you can create new versions and train a model.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Best regards,
Leandro Rosemberg

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Hello @leandro_roboflow,

Thank you for your reply and efforts.

I have a question: is there a solution from your side to avoid this kind of problem? If yes, please comment below. It will be helpful for people with the same problem in the future

Hello @Abdulla , thank you for your replies so far!

I want to let you know that the issue with incorrect image counts happens because of some race conditions in our code. We know where the problems are and we’re fixing them gradually to prevent it to break something in our system.

When users like you report this issue, we can fix it manually, just like we did for you. We’re working to make sure this won’t happen in the future.

Thanks for your feedback,
Leandro Rosemberg

got the same problem. i cant create a full dataset with all uploaded images.

Hello @Oliver_Baumgart, I saw that you managed to fix the image count of your dataset, and also generated a version.

Just one piece of information, if this happens again you can try to generate the analytics again, accessing the Analytics option in the side menu and clicking on regenerate.

If you have any further questions I’m happy to help.

Kind regards
Leandro Rosemberg


I have the same issue with my dataset, the image count is negative (-27), which prevents me from training a model or exporting the dataset.

Would it be possible to fix it ? Thank you in advance for your help.

Best regards,

Hello @leandro_roboflow,
I am facing the same issue; the image count is negative, and I am unable to process the split into train and test. Can you please help me with this?

Hello @maxenceLIOGIER and @Siddhesh_Kachare !!!

If you could please provide the ID/name of your workspace and dataset, I would be happy to help!


Hello @leandro_roboflow, Project ID - vision-aid-project, Name - Vision Aid Project.
Thank you for your support.

@Siddhesh_Kachare Can you check please if it’s fixed?

Thank you so much @leandro_roboflow. The issue has been resolved.