I’m having problems using smartpolygon it has to restart the startup every few images, sometimes it happens every 5 images or every 1 image. And sometimes I have to reload the page for it to load again. I’ve tried to change browsers at the office, I’ve tried to use my computer at home, but the always keeps happening. I talked to a co-worker and the problem also occurs, with all the projects in the company’s workspace.
I’m sorry to hear that you’re experiencing issues with the Smart Polygon tool in Roboflow. Based on the information provided in the extracts, it’s not clear why the tool would need to reload the model frequently or why you would need to refresh the page for it to load again. This behavior is not mentioned in the provided extracts.
The Smart Polygon tool is designed to facilitate the annotation process by using a machine learning model to suggest shapes for your objects source. It should not require frequent reloading or refreshing of the page.
It’s possible that this issue could be related to a specific aspect of your setup or usage that is not covered in the provided extracts. I would recommend reaching out to Roboflow’s support for further assistance. They may be able to provide more specific guidance based on the details of your situation.
In the meantime, you might find it helpful to review the documentation on using the Smart Polygon tool to ensure you’re using it as intended. Here are some relevant links:
I hope this helps, and I hope your issue gets resolved soon!
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Hi @davidweedvision - can you please add Roboflow support to your workspace? You can do this via the invite page. Let me know when this is done and we’ll take a look.