We are having issues with the Usage counts rising more than a 1 when testing a model and only uploading 1 image on the Model test screen.
Note that my usage count was at 1,008 before I started these steps.
- I revoked my API key just to be sure this was clear.
- I went to the Model page and uploaded/dragged/dropped a 1 page PNG image to look for barcodes in my images.
- I revoked the API key again right away, to be sure nothing else would call our service after I submitted the above image.
- When I go to the Usage counts, it went up slowly to 1,009, then up to 1,017 - every 5-10 minutes until it finally rose to 1,017.
Shouldn’t my one PNG upload only increment the counter to from 1,008 to 1,009 ?
I reached out to support 3 days ago, because my account was adding 1 usage count every 5 minutes for hours over night (even when the API key was deleted.) They seemed to have fix that problem yesterday - but the have never contacted me. I reset my account password to a very strong password so I know someone isn’t online dropping images in the Model testing area.
Any feedback on why this might be happening would be great