Error Handling Dataset Splits and Annotations: Export and Training Issues

Error in data set

when i make changes in the annotation the raw data in the left is not changing,
so when i change the annotation, then export it,
and when i try to train, without utilizing gpu/cpu my laptop ends up freezing,
when i try to train the original file that i annotated first, its training well and good,
so i think its due to difference in labelling and image annotation which isn’t same, even if i delete the annotation, the raw data (label) still exist like constant and im not able to modify it, i think it be the probably the reason of why im facing issue while traing due to difference btw labels and image annotation box

Hey @Saathvick_K

The raw data, as far as I know, updates when the page initially loads in.

Could you clarify if you’re running into a specific issue and if so, what that issue is? It’s not quite clear to me.

If you are concerned removing from the current test/train will cause issues when changing what splits the images are in, they should not.

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