Wrong label in Auto labeling Tool (Beta)

Thank you guys for releasing the auto labeling tool (beta).

However, when I try to label airplane, ship, or helicopter it does not work. They all point to the same instance in the environment.

Hi @Anjon_Basak

Thank you for sharing this feedback with us. The models that are used in Auto Labeling aren’t perfect, so its highly possible that it may have been detected incorrectly, but could you share the image you used, as well as the prompts you entered? It might help us improve the instructions or find a bug if this is unexpected behavior


I have attached couple of images and here are the descriptions that I used. They don’t show the whole text so I added them here.

A rotary-wing aircraft that achieves lift and propulsion by rotating blades, allowing vertical takeoff, hover, and agile maneuverability

class: airplane, description: powered flying vehicle with fixed wings and a weight

class: helicopter, description: A rotary-wing aircraft that achieves lift and propulsion by rotating blades, allowing vertical takeoff, hover, and agile maneuverability

class: ship, description: a large vessel designed for navigation in water, typically carrying goods or passengers across seas and oceans

Here’s SAM

Hi @Anjon_Basak

Thank you for sharing your experiences with Automatic Labeling. For the prompts, starting simple like just the term “ship” can often yield better results than describing the nature of the object.

Using a similar image I found online and simpler ontology, I was able to get the results I think you were hoping for. Let me know if this works for you.

Worked better with simple descriptions and adjusting the threshold! Thanks a lot!

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