Unable to download from public.roboflow.com

I am trying to download the public dataset “Udacity Self Driving Car Dataset” from https://public.roboflow.com/object-detection/self-driving-car.

Unfortunately, none of the download buttons work for me. Is this the case for anyone else?

You’re not the only one, I can’t download datasets neither. Here are the errors I get in the web dev tools:

Hi @Vodros and @florian.donhauser, our public datasets are available for download from Roboflow Universe, in the Classic section.

Did the Udacity dataset link not send you to this page for download? Self Driving Car Object Detection Dataset by Roboflow

Not working neiher, stuck on this:
And what about this dataset: https://public.roboflow.com/object-detection/vehicles-openimages, couldn’t find it on Universe.

@Mohamed Any updates on how to solve this problem?

Hi @Vodros I’m now told the issue should be resolved.

And the Vehicles-OpenImages dataset is available from the Classic Projects page:

Hi @Mohamed, thanks for your response. Indeed I can download the dataset now.
One additional question: for a given dataset on Robotflow, how can I find its equivalent on Universe?

The public.roboflow.com datasets are all in the “Classic” section of Roboflow Universe: Classic Datasets and Pre-Trained Models

Thousands of other datasets, and millions more images are also available on Universe: