Or I’m just doing something wrong…
I’m starting for the first time and going through the tutorials. When it takes me to the Screws dataset, via this link: Counting Screws Dataset > Overview
The “Download Project” button shows up for only a split second before it becomes the “Fork Project” button. Pretty frustrating. I don’t see where else you can download, could someone give some advice? Thanks in advance.
Hi - sorry for the confusion. You can continue to the download Dataset button in the Datasets tab.
We are working to improve Universe and the new Fork dataset feature is to help Roboflow users quickly/seamlessly get datasets into their Roboflow account.
In the “for what it’s worth” category, my interface (on a free account) is slightly different - here you go to the “Versions” tab and then you can click to Download. Just in case someone else comes out here looking for that. (@trevorhlynn I’d be curious as to why we have different interfaces if you can explain - is it just the free vs paid? Is one “newer” and the other will catch up?)