Can you try generating a new dataset version now? We just pushed a bug fix.
It should work now with a newly generated version. If the issue still persists, let me know so we can take another look.
Additionally, @lupon1 - to get the raw images without augmentations, it only requires generating a dataset version with all augmentations removed, and all preprocessing steps removed, other than Auto-Orient
Hi Mohamed, thanks for your support!
Yes, now I can export correctly the dataset, with or without annotation and/or preprocessing. Before wasn’t possible download only the images/annotation due to the issue.
Thanks you so much! I can finally terminate the project!
I did some further digging, it seems that the labels files are no longer names as the image names , or they are getting mixed up …
I just downloaded the version and verified this. with and without auto-orient…
its the same issue.
Where files are in sync it matches