Object Detection
FireFox - Chrome
Ubuntu 18.04
Posted feedback several days ago about this Bug, but nothing back from anyone yet.
Upon export of multi-class dataset, Roboflow does NOT generate a balance of images amongst the classes to the Val or Test Sets. In many cases, I only get one object class in my Val Set. Explained that was having to export entire dataset out of Robo, run a script to randomly shuffle then create balanced Train/Val Sets, then re-upload dataset to Robo while maintaining the proper balances.
NOW… without touching the re-balance function, at Export Robo is unwinding both the Val and the Train sets that each have precise numbers of images from each class and is randomly rebuilding the sets. (e.g.) In Val, it now appears to be 80% one class, an small assortment of a few other classes, and is TOTALLY EXCLUDING ONE CLASS ALL TOGETHER. Needless to say, this is a real problem.
Please advise and/or address as soon as possible.