First off… Roboflow is an awesome platform!!
An issue I discovered concerns the distribution of images when creating or re-balancing the dataset for Train-Val-Test. It appears that there is no random shuffle and in most cases, we are ending up with a Validation Set solely consisting of only one object class. For example, a dataset consisting of 5 object classes (car, bus, van, truck, boat) that were independent datasets uploaded to Roboflow and then subsequently “merged” and then re-balanced (80/15/5) when creating a new version results in the Validation set solely consisting of e.g. “bus” and no other images from any other object class. Same goes for the Test Set which isn’t really that big of a deal but clearly we would want to have a good balance of all classes when performing validation.
Don’t think I have missed some function inside of Roboflow but if so, please advise. Having to export 5 classes after being merged, apply random shuffle before splitting into Train/Val/Test, and then having to re-upload the properly balanced dataset before generating an formatted export seems counter productive.
Please advise and as always, keep up the great work.