Research Credits for a University Project

Project Type: Object Detection, Public
Operating System & Browser: Mac, Google
Project Universe Link or Workspace/Project ID: How to Use the Weed Identification Object Detection API

Hi! I am currently enrolled in a university in the midwest; and this semester, my team is working on completing our senior project development. We are developing an app that can take a photo of a plant and identify what type of weed it is. Since our team is split between CS and CIS majors, we wanted an option to train our AI that was approachable to allow several people to be working on the project at one time and maximize our resources and team capabilities. Roboflow was the perfect option that enabled us to do both of those things. We currently have the free option due to our team trying to minimize costs. However, we ran out of training credits. I already reached out to the Sales/Support roboflow extension and was told that I should post my question to the forum. With that in mind, would it be possible to allot my team more training credits so that we can continue our senior project? Please let me know! Thank you!

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