I used Roboflow to create a dataset and I have downloaded it in YOLOV7 pytorch format. However, when I use the Web UI to upload this dataset to a new project, the annotations are not reflecting, some random new classes are getting added.
Sorry to hear you’re having issues. Could you explain a little more of what you’re trying to do so that we can help you better? It sounds like you are trying to duplicate/copy your project.
If so, we have a project duplication feature that you could use. Click on the three dots on whatever project you’d like to copy, click “Duplicate Project” and fill out the necessary options.
I see, downloading the dataset might be the easiest way to accomplish that.
As for troubleshooting your issues, I looked into your issue and our platform works with the YOLOv7 PyTorch format for export only. This is because the format is optimized and primarily used for training models, not sharing datasets. I recommend using COCO for export and seeing if your issues are resolved.
Another method to consider is (if your project is public), you can visit the Universe page for your project in your other account and clone images from there.