I have a dataset of invoices with images and data extraction in JSON format. Like an OCR. I created a folder where there is a subfolder with all the images in JPG and a file annotaitons.jsonl, where each line contains:
I’m trying to upload this to Roboflow, but it’s not interpreting the annotations. Either I just keep the images and go to manual annotation, or it gets stuck on this screen
Hello @Samuel_Lima_Braz, welcome to the forum, and thank you very much for contacting us.
I would like to ask two things so that we can validate this. Could you please provide the workspace and the project so that we can get more details?
But looking at your JSON format, it seems that the problem is there. You used single quotes instead of double quotes, which is invalid JSON. If that is the case, we can easily solve the problem.
But if it still doesn’t work, please contact me again and I will be happy to help you.
However, it didn’t work through the interface—or at least there was no indication that any upload was happening. With 814 files, using the CLI command roboflow import -w tech-ysdkk -p brazilian-documents data/invoices/ worked perfectly.