How to deal with mixture of boxes and polygons?

I have a dataset which I labelled on Roboflow using the bounding box tool and the polygon tool. I am then exporting this to YOLOv8 format and training a YOLOv8 model. The problem is that the bounding boxes are exported to xywh format and the polygons are exported to the xyxy format, so the polygons are excluded from the training which is affecting the training. How can I convert the boxes to xyxy format, preferably within Roboflow. Like I can run a script that does it for me, but it is not future proof and convenient.

Roboflow provides a comprehensive guide on how to convert bounding boxes, masks, and polygons. In your case, you want to convert bounding boxes to the xyxy format. Here’s how you can do it using the supervision library:

# Import Supervision
import supervision as sv

# Import bounding box data
detections = sv.Detections.from_roboflow(prediction,classes)

# Export as xyxy data
bounding_boxes = detections.xyxy

This code will convert your bounding box data into the xyxy format. You can find more details in the Ultimate Guide to Converting Bounding Boxes, Masks and Polygons.

However, it’s important to note that if you are using polygon annotations in an object detection project, when you import a version of the dataset into most model training processes, they will automatically convert to bounding boxes. This was mentioned in a forum post by a Roboflow support agent.

If you need to convert your data into bounding boxes for a reason outside of model training, you can use the guide mentioned above. If you’re using Roboflow’s native train, it will handle the distinction and train an object detection dataset. If you want to train outside of the Roboflow platform, you’ll need to do the conversion on your own.

Remember, the quality and quantity of the dataset have a significant impact on the performance of object detection models. High-quality annotations, with accurate object boundaries and precise labeling, play a crucial role in effectively training the model.

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So currently I am using a custom script to convert it from xywh to xyxy format, but I was hoping that Roboflow would do it automatically when I export the dataset.

def bounding_box_to_polygon(labels_folder):
    for filename in os.listdir(labels_folder):
        if filename.endswith('.txt'):
            filepath = os.path.join(labels_folder, filename)

            with open(filepath, 'r') as file:
                lines = file.readlines()

            updated_lines = []
            for line in lines:
                elements = line.strip().split()
                if len(elements) == 5:
                    _, x, y, width, height = map(float, elements)
                    x_min = x - width/2
                    x_max = x + width/2
                    y_min = y - height/2
                    y_max = y + height/2
                    updated_elements = [elements[0], str(x_min), str(y_min), str(x_max), str(y_min), str(x_max), str(y_max), str(x_min), str(y_max)]
                    updated_lines.append(' '.join(updated_elements))

            with open(filepath, 'w') as file:

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