Football detection deploy error

so ive been following the 1h30min video on foot ball detection but when i want to deploy they tell me this Dependency ultralytics==8.0.196 is required but found version=8.3.59, to fix: pip install ultralytics==8.0.196
Would you like to continue with the wrong version of ultralytics? y/n: y
An error occured when getting the model upload URL: 404 Client Error: Not Found for url: and i dnt really know what to do. is it cz the dataset is not mine?


  1. Make sure that your model is trained on an compatible Ultralytics version. You can find the exact requirements listed here: Upload Custom Weights | Roboflow Docs
    Only select “yes” when the model was trained on a compatible version.
  2. Yes exactly. As the url is referencing the dataset used in the Football AI video and is not yours, you’ll not be able to upload to weights to it.

To upload the weights, you’ll need to do the following: Create a new Roboflow project, upload the images you’ve trained the model on (or clone the football AI images directly from Universe), and create a dataset version. This will allow you to use our model evaluation feature for your locally trained model and upload the weights to deploy the model.

Let me know if you got it working or if you have any more questions!

Hi @Amine_Elgass ,

I’m assuming you was following this tutorial

In addition to what @balthasar suggested, and also assuming you did not modify the dataset, I would suggest that you can simply use the model uploaded by Piotr.

from inference import get_model

model = get_model("football-players-detection-3zvbc/12", api_key="YOURSECRETAPIKEY")

You can continue with the tutorial with this model.

Hope this helps,

ps. I removed your API key from your question - please protect your API key, especially please ensure you do not publish it on forums like this or on Reddit or anywhere else on the internet.

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