I am performing object detection using Yolov8. I successfully created a project, annotated images, and completed training both locally and using the Roboflow integrated feature.
But whenever I try to upload my model I receive a “Custom Model Upload failed” error. Here is the snippet of code I use:
from roboflow import Roboflow
rf = Roboflow(api_key="MY_API_KEY")
project = rf.workspace("uni-t4n52").project("chess-detection-ojob1")
project.version(7).deploy(model_type="yolov8", model_path="/runs/detect/train/"")
The upload completes correctly, although I receive the following warning/error:
Dependency ultralytics==8.0.134 is required but found version=8.0.175, to fix: `pip install ultralytics==8.0.134`
Although I’m using an updated version I receive this notice, Is this supposed to happen?
Anyway, the model uploads correctly but I can see the following: