Hello, I am new to the roboflow community and I am trying to deploy a model (specifically this one: Playing Cards Object Detection Dataset and Pre-Trained Model by Augmented Startups) to my IOS device.
I followed the instructions in the Roboflow Swift SDK github README and was able to build my app and install it on my device using xCode, however, I get the following error when the app builds:
Error: Could not find data for key playing-cards-ow27d
Failed to parse the model specification. Error: Field number 7 has wireType 4, which is not supported.
I load the model in the following way in my swift code:
rf.load(model: “playing-cards-ow27d”, modelVersion: 4) { [self] model, error, modelName, modelType in
mlModel = model
if error != nil {
print(error?.localizedDescription as Any)
} else {
model?.configure(threshold: 0.5, overlap: 0.8, maxObjects: 10)
I confirmed that the model ID and version number are both correct, I would really appreciate some help debugging this issue!