I’m trying to create an object detection mobile app on iOS. I’ve trained my yolov8 model and I’ve uploaded the weights on roboflow.
But now when trying to load the model from roboflow on my device it doesn’t work. You’ll find below my connection process in swift.
and the error associated.
class RoboflowManager: ObservableObject{
@Published var model : RFObjectDetectionModel?
private let rf = RoboflowMobile(apiKey: "my_api_key")
await loadModel()
private func loadModel() async{
let (loadedModel, loadError, _, _) = await rf.load(model: "model", modelVersion: modelVersion)
if let error = loadError{
print("Error loading model : \(error)")
loadedModel!.configure(threshold:0.5, overlap:0.8, maxObjects: 2)
self.model = loadedModel
func detect(image: UIImage) async -> [RFObjectDetectionPrediction]?{
guard let model = model else{
print("Model not loaded")
return nil
let (predictions, detectError) = await model.detect(image: image)
if let error = detectError{
print("Error detecting objects: \(error)")
return nil
return predictions
Please note that I have the same use in python when I’m using Pycharm, BUT if I try to load it using Google Colab it works. Like Colad is the only platform where I can use it.