trying to load grounding dino directly
final text_encoder_type: bert-base-uncased
You are already logged into Roboflow. To make a different login,run roboflow.login(force=True).
loading Roboflow workspace…
loading Roboflow project…
Labeling /content/svarm/mexican-license-plate/6Ys9n8lUQ0MyD7TUtjid/images/AIsnyPIdPLO5Y8XxTjii.jpg: 0%| | 0/356 [00:00<?, ?it/s]The device
argument is deprecated and will be removed in v5 of Transformers.
torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.
None of the inputs have requires_grad=True. Gradients will be None
Labeling /content/svarm/mexican-license-plate/6Ys9n8lUQ0MyD7TUtjid/images/WnBhdkRrT5Mi2NxY7wqh.jpg: 100%|██████████| 356/356 [03:03<00:00, 1.94it/s]
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
in <cell line: 20>()
18 )
—> 20 sync_with_roboflow(
21 workspace_id=“PMv83LcAHvgRt1pnKD1affxD0Ua2”,
22 workspace_url=“svarm”,
4 frames
/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/supervision/dataset/formats/ in detections_to_yolo_annotations(detections, image_shape, min_image_area_percentage, max_image_area_percentage, approximation_percentage)
195 ) → List[str]:
196 annotation =
→ 197 for xyxy, mask, _, class_id, _ in detections:
198 if mask is not None:
199 polygons = approximate_mask_with_polygons(
ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 5)