when i cancel starter plan in roboflow, my model API is still working and private?
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when i cancel starter plan in roboflow, my model API is still working and private?
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Based on the information provided in the extracts, there’s no specific mention of what happens to your model API and its privacy settings after you cancel the Starter Plan. However, it’s important to note that the Starter Plan includes features like private projects and 10,000 monthly hosted inference API calls.
If you have concerns about your model API and its privacy after canceling your subscription, I recommend reaching out to Roboflow’s support team directly. You can email them at starter-plan@roboflow.com
as mentioned in the forum post extract. They should be able to provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding your query.
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Hi @Khí_Lục - when you cancel your plan, you will still have access to your images and models (which will remain private). However, you will have lower usage and limits, and will lose some premium features (like Health Check, Model Eval, and a commercial license for our /inference repo).
You will be able to use the API, but will be able to run 1,000 inference a month (vs 10,000 on the starter plan)
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