Based on the information provided in the extracts, it’s possible that the remaining images are duplicates. According to the Roboflow documentation, if an image’s content is the exact same, it is only counted towards your usage once. This means that even if you delete a dataset, any duplicate images that exist in other datasets will still be counted in your usage.
If you’re certain that there are no duplicate images and you’ve deleted all datasets, it might be a good idea to reach out to Roboflow support for further assistance.
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Hi @Davide_Visentin, thanks for posting! That seems to be a bug.
Could you please add Roboflow support to your workspace (on the Invite page) and email starter-plan@roboflow support when this is done so I can take a look? Thanks!
I see that you’ve already fixed the problem. Unless you need to perform other checks, tomorrow morning (morning in Europe) I’ll create the new project and start uploading images.
I know it’s been a while. Just wanted to highlight that checked the image counts on your workspace and it looks good on my end. Do you still see any problems on your side?