Describe your question/issue here! (delete this when you post)
- Project Type: object detection
- Operating System & Browser: macOS and Google Chrome
- Project Universe Link or Workspace/Project ID: timber-log-v1 Object Detection Dataset and Pre-Trained Model by Victor Manuel Opazo Troncoso
Here is how you can reproduce it:
- go to the timber log project: victor-manuel-opazo-troncoso-cyl8e/timber-log-v1
- open the network inspect from browser, and filter the calls with keyword “timber-log-v1”.
- drag and drop this image for OD prediction (
You can see that from my screenshot, the coordinate of one of box is one of the range, 475.5(x) + 67.0(width) is already out of width of the image which is 512. I cannot use it in my app to draw bounding boxes.
However, the roboflow UI shows correctly!!! Is there additional transformation needed?