How can I define/manage the id=0 category given in a COCO Json export from roboflow? According to this post it is currently defined to be:
the “Annotation group” name you input at the time of project creation as a supercategory for other categories
I’m currently exporting and trying to do something with Google’s MediaPipe api, which throws the following error:
ValueError: Label index 0 is reserved for the background class, but it was found to be trash-7fnV
This is due to the fact that roboflow exports the following categories in the json file.
Without manually editing every json file exported by roboflow, how can I control the value of this id=0 to be “background” rather than some class “trash-7fnV” that I did not define or use in the dataset. In fact, this error would also not be an issue if this category “trash-7fnV” was removed completely (i.e. no id=0 category). I see no way to remove or modify this currently.
- **Project Type:Object detection
- **Operating System & Browser:Ubuntu 22.04 Firefox 130.0
- **Project Universe Link or Workspace/Project ID:beach-cleaning-object-detection