How can i upload my custom weights on latest version?

I installed the latest version of my dataset into colab with the download code and trained using the yolov5 model.

Afterwards, I want to upload a custom dataset to the third version, but an error occurs.

I wrote the code by referring to the two websites above, but an error continues to occur.

Like the code on the website, if I type .deploy() as [model_type=”yolov5”], an error occurs and it doesn’t run at all.

Can you tell me the code to upload the completed model in colab?

Solved. When exporting, I downloaded the snippet for Jupyter Notebook, installed the dataset, and then pasted the code from the docs and it worked normally. I received an error because I installed the dataset using the curl code.

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I’m glad you got your issue solved and thank you for following up with your fix to help other people who experience similar issues.

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