
In our project we need by using Python connect our Raspberry Pi camera, to the model. Because we do not need only paste the link of the imagine and see the results. We need to make it live by using the camera, but we faced a lot of errors! And we asked the AI of the RoboFlow but it didn’t understand us very well.

In summary, we need many things as following:

  1. We need to detect the product live by using the Raspberry Pi camera. Not by providing the link of each the picture.
  2. After detecting the data, we need to save them into a Google Sheet file that created when we run the code.

Hey @Adeeb

If you could share the specific errors you faced, it would be very helpful for our understanding on what problems you’re facing.

Although we can’t provide support with writing code for you, we have tons of resources on using Raspberry Pis with Roboflow. Here are some blog articles:

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