Cannot replace an already labelled class with another class

  • Project Type: Instance segmentation
  • Operating System & Browser: Chrome
  • Project Universe Link or Workspace/Project ID:

Hi all,

I’m trying to annotate variable rocks.
I set 7 classes. When I find the incorrect labeling, I easily change the another class name using “annotation editor”.

For example, If I want change a class "chert " (yellow boundary) with “clastic” (blue boundary), I can easily change by clicking "save (Enter) button in “Annotation Editor” as follow

However, although I click class no. 2 (Clastic) and click “Save (Enter)” button, Nothing happens… I mean the class no. 1 (Chert) does not change to class no. 2 (Clastic).

Does anyone have an experience and idea for this issue?


A fix has just been deployed. Please refresh the page and try changing the classes again. Let me know if everything is working now. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Everything is working fine now. Thank you for your prompt reply.

same issue…

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