Yolov8 Nested Object Detection/Labeling

Hi, i am trying to detect defects/imperfections on objects. So basically i have a room full of windows, doors etc. and i am trying to detect these objects (windows, doors) and in the second part i am trying to detect if they have defects.

I am using YOLOv8

this is my approach for now:
so R2 is my windows and R1 is the defect. i am using the polygon tool to label the R2 (as ‘window’). and label the R1 with polygon tool as ‘defect’.
will this work as intended? if not what should i do?

later on i will try to locate the bounding boxes of R2 and if R1 is inside the R2, i will report it as window with imperfection/defect

Thanks in advance…

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