Why below given functionality is not exists?

Why below given functionality is not available.

  1. i want to delete image from my dataset, now there is no delete option. It is still showing in my pending dataset.
  2. After training when i am testing with external image with model and getting wrong result on some part of deection. Is it possible to tell AI that improve this detection in this pic of the model for correct result and dd that with current dataset for training and next time when i test that image with updated model, it should return correct result…
  3. Can i search any image from my dataset based on normal search keyword using LLM? YOu can give this option on more paid subscription.
  4. I am unable to rescale or manage height of left side panel which is opening when selecting any annotation box …its name is Annotation Editor.
  5. Can i choose my own hyperparemeter to train data?
  6. What is the issue to give option to download model. now my requirements is for use model offline in mobile …but i cant if training on Roboflow…
  7. Can i see my training Confusion matrix and other report?
  8. Can i Generate my Own dataset or image using LLM AI / Dolle like thing?