Until yesterday everything was smooth. Today i tried to use labeling my dataset with box prompting. However, when i fine tuned confidence score bboxes started to get bigger unintentioannally. is this related with a feature change or bug?
Hello, I’m an engineer on the Roboflow team. I’ve been making some improvements to the box prompting interface, including a new overlap slider, but also introduced a bug yesterday by mistake that negatively impacted the experience.
This is a bug, but it has been fixed shortly after your report - thank you for describing the issue in detail and providing us with the information we needed to quickly diagnose and fix it.
Please hard refresh your browser to make sure you are running the latest version of the app, and let us know if you have any questions. Thanks!
Yes. i have noticed the problem solved. Also labeling process works way better (smarter) and i really loved the feature that showing detection score above bbox. Thank you very much for your quick response and awesome work.