Use roboflow ESP32-S3 cam

Hello everyone, I am new to this, and I would like to know if there is the possibility of using an existing model, on my website, uploading a photo from an esp32-s3 cam and that the json returns to the esp32
thank you so much

Hi @Ramiro_Seliman

I’m not very familiar with ESP32. You can take a look at our deployment options, but the hosted API and making JSON requests there might be your best bet.

Hi , thanks for you response , the esp32 is one chip with one camera , but this have very little you ram
I thinking in to put the code with your API in my server , is possible this ? , what i have to make ? exist , basic code from this, what I to use ? thanks in advance , sorry mi english its a little rusty

Hi @Ramiro_Seliman

Roboflow Docs is a great resource for finding out how to do things and getting steps or example code.

Is there a specific language you are trying to use? My understanding is the ESP32-S3 can be interfaced with many languages.