Recently I filtered out COCO Dataset into 12 classes. And I want to upload my trained model into Roboflow project, but turns out it requires me to upload the dataset into Roboflow. So, i go spin up my VM, pull my dataset from cloud storage, install Roboflow CLI, and running this command roboflow import ./coco/ -p coco-traffic-tiny
the problem is, after running the command, it was just giving me blank output like this
I wait for any output like 10 minutes or so, still got nothing on my terminal, checking performance monitor, I didnt see any upload in network activity
I also tried upload single images, and is working fine, i got success output. So, I assume it wasnt firewall problem. Can anyone give me a glimpse of info on how the upload dataset command work? And what should I do? Thanks in advance
Dataset link :
- **Project Type : Object Detection
- **Operating System & Browser: Linux
- **Project Link : COCO-Traffic-Tiny Object Detection Dataset by chworkspace