Train RT-DETR on a Custom Dataset notebook seems that it doesn't work

Hi I am using the notebook from this tutorial : How to Train RT-DETR on a Custom Dataset with Transformers in my Google Colab with my custom dataset and an error appears when running the following: trainer.train()

This is the error:

ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
in <cell line: 11>()
9 )
—> 11 trainer.train()

8 frames
in collect_targets(self, targets, image_sizes)
27 post_processed_targets =
28 for target_batch, image_size_batch in zip(targets, image_sizes):
—> 29 for target, (height, width) in zip(target_batch, image_size_batch):
30 boxes = target[“boxes”]
31 boxes = sv.xcycwh_to_xyxy(boxes)

ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)

Thank you!

(Sorry i had change the code, now it is the correct error)

Hey! Could you send over your Google Colab Notebook as well as your dataset?
It looks like your there is only one of height/width in your image_size_batch. Would love to check out the Colab to look more into it though

Hello, the notebook is exactly the same as the one uploaded in the tutorial (this one: Google Colab), except for the cell where the dataset is uploaded, which I replaced with the download code for mine. I have my dataset on Roboflow; how can I share it with you?

Hi! Could you give me the link to your dataset? I’ll probably be able to access it on Roboflow Universe.

Sign in to Roboflow - would be this part: nathan-yan/train-window

Does this link work for you? Sign in to Roboflow
It’s the latest version, version 6.