Hello all
I am relatively new to ML and Object Detection and would love to get some insights on what is a good dataset for my desired model.
I am trying to train an object detection model for the following products:
I will be using a camera that is filming a flat surface from above at a distance of about 0.5-1 metre. It should simualate a checkout, meaning that “customers” can purchase any combination of these products.
Since I am quite unsure about the best approach for a solid dataset I would appreciate any response on the following questions:
Is it better to only provide pictures where all of the products are visible, or should I also provide images with only one product in it? Or should I mix it up with a specific ration of images with all products in it / images with only one product in it?
If the objects to detect are always placed on the same flat surface, is it needed/a good idea to provide images to the dataset that show the objects on different backgrounds?
How many images will I roughly need? I was told that a good rule of thumb is to provide 1-2k pictures per product. This somewhat interfers with my first questions. Should I provide pictures per product or pictures with all products in them.
Right now I am using a Roboflow trials account that is locked to a duplication of 5x for a dataset. It states that more duplications require an upgrade. What upgrade do i need to unlock these? Is it the normal monthly subscription?
Is it better to provide more “raw” images or does the duplication of the uploaded images a better job at providing useful images for the dataset, rather than just uploading more images on my own?
My plan is to train the model on my local machine, since I have read, that there is no possibility to directly download a trained model from roboflow? The model needs to run on an offline device.
I would really appreciate if you could give me a rough estimation of what / how many raw pictures I should provide to the dataset. Maybe there is even a good choice of preprocessing / augmentation steps I should use for this specific usecase?
Any help is appreciated
Thanks a lot
- Project Type: Object Detection