Hello Support Team Roboflow,
i am new Student who want to try Image Recognition using Rasberry PI i completed all the Training for the Modules and try to Deploy it into the Rasberry pi by copying the code give to me for video below
Import the InferencePipeline object
from inference import InferencePipeline
import cv2
def my_sink(result, video_frame):
if result.get(“output_image”): # Display an image from the workflow response
cv2.imshow(“Workflow Image”, result[“output_image”].numpy_image)
print(result) # do something with the predictions of each frame
initialize a pipeline object
pipeline = InferencePipeline.init_with_workflow(
api_key=“Deleted as it is private”,
video_reference=0, # Path to video, device id (int, usually 0 for built in webcams), or RTSP stream url
pipeline.start() #start the pipeline
pipeline.join() #wait for the pipeline thread to finish
but i am getting the error below which is mention the “WARN:0@8.419] global cap_v4l.cpp:1938 getProperty VIDEOIO(V4L2:/dev/video0): Unable to get camera FPS” idk why or how to fix it, i try multiple way but still nothing happen error below
i make Sure that the Hardware is fully working from Camera and raspberry pi given it the enough volt and amps but it still showing me the same error what is the best way to solve this issue or maybe i am missing some software to installed before running the code ?
and also the webcam is working when i test it and it taking photos but when i run the above code it not showing so i was saying maybe if i solved the above issue the webcam will automatically will pop-out
Universe public : Material Segregation Object Detection Dataset and Pre-Trained Model by Engineering
project type: Object detection
OS/browser: Raspberry PI 5
Camera used: pi camera module 3