I am experiencing an issue while working with keypoint annotations on my project. I have also created a video to demonstrate the problems, which I have attached for your reference.
Class Change Issue: I am working with three classes: “player,” “non-player,” and “referee,” all of which use the same skeleton structure. When I try to change the class of an object (e.g., from “player” to “referee”), Roboflow resets all the keypoints to the default skeleton values, causing me to lose the existing keypoint positions. Is there a way to change the class of an object without resetting its keypoints?
I have attached a video explaining and demonstrating the issue to provide better context.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Thanks for sending this in, we appreciate the feedback. It’s interesting that in your use case, there are three classes with the exact same skeletons. This is usually not the case for most keypoint detection projects and this is why the default behavior is to reset to the default skeleton.
Do all your skeletons have the same ID number as well?
Where can I see it? When I upload my annotated frames, I only have the ‘player’ class annotated, and I created the other classes in Roboflow. How can I create and share the same skeleton ID?