Image quality after rotation


I have a dataset of some large images ( > 2000 px). I need to train an yolo-obb model, so I’ve applied an rotation of ± 15° as augmentation technique.

The problem is that after applying this rotation, the image quality is quite reduced.

Original image :

After rotation :

How can I fix that ?

Hi! I’m asking our internal team if there’s a way to maintain image quality during rotation. In the meantime, are you trying to actually train the model at the >2000 pixel resolution? Is it possible that at target resolution (ie maybe 640?) the degradation is less visible?

Hi! All our augmentations resize to a max of 2000x2000 prior to doing the augmentation so there is an expectation of a downgrade. If you need higher resolution you can crop prior to uploading + augmenting, assuming ultimately you’re running at a lower resolution.

If your model really is running at >2000 resolution, I would try training without the augmentation and see what happens! :slight_smile: may not be necessary for good results and would save some headache

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