Error when deploying model to Oak-D camera

I’m deploying a model to an Oak-D using the Roboflow / DepthAI integration. I’m getting the following error message which seems to suggest that the model was compiled for a different openvino version:

[19443010B1359D2E00] [0.1] [138.381] [VideoEncoder(1)] [critical] Out of memory while creating pool for ‘bitstream’ frames. Number of frames: 4 each with size: 3170304B
[19443010B1359D2E00] [0.1] [138.443] [VideoEncoder(8)] [critical] Out of memory while creating pool for ‘bitstream’ frames. Number of frames: 4 each with size: 444928B
[19443010B1359D2E00] [0.1] [143.021] [DetectionNetwork(10)] [critical] Fatal error in openvino ‘universal’. Likely because the model was compiled for different openvino version. If you want to select an explicit openvino version use: setOpenVINOVersion while creating pipeline. If error persists please report to developers. Log: ‘Convolution’ ‘265’ ‘CMX memory is not enough!’.
[19443010B1359D2E00] [0.1] [146.491] [system] [critical] Fatal error. Please report to developers. Log: ‘Fatal error on MSS CPU: trap: 00, address: 00000000’ ‘0’
[2024-03-18 20:31:44] INFO [root.close:456] Closing OAK camera

  • Project Type: Person Detection
  • Operating System & Browser: MacOS 14.4, Firefox
  • Project Universe Link or Workspace/Project ID: Sign in to Roboflow

Hi @avitus - that looks like you’re starting to run into hardware memory limitations.

You need to decrease your memory usage by compressing the stream, lowering the stream resolution, or reducing the number of output streams.

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