Deploy a Custom Model to OAK-D

Im trying to Deploy a Custom Model to my OAK-D camera on a windows10 Computer.

Is it possible to use Windows 10 / x64 as the Host Computer?

I have installed Docker on my Windows 10 / x64

What is easiest system to use as a host?

Should I use a Raspberry Pi 3 as the Host?

Should I use a cheap laptop and run Debian x64 to use as a Host?

Thank you for your help.

I am brand new to Roboflow and trying to use a the Roboflow license plate dataset + model


@SPFXUNLIMITED Raspberry Pi is one of the most popular hosts for OAK devices and then you get the advantages of having a linux system to build your application on.

Our docker deploy does not currently support the Pi architecture, but we have a new PIP package for OAK deploy coming soon - stay tuned!

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