Cannot post in roboflow inference

Please share the following so we may better assist you:

  1. Project type Object detection (Roboflow Inference Example)
  2. Im using flutter dart
  3. Error and code

Response status: 404
I/flutter (31833): Response body:
I/flutter (31833):
I/flutter (31833):
I/flutter (31833):
I/flutter (31833): Error
I/flutter (31833):
I/flutter (31833):
I/flutter (31833):

Cannot POST /

I/flutter (31833):
I/flutter (31833):

Hello community, I am making an application in dart that I want to connect with roboflow inference but I am not able to post correctly. Even following
I saw a post that it could be because the image is too big, that’s why I used FlutterImageCompress but still can’t post.
Does anyone know what I could do?

Thank you very much for reading, best regards, Nuria