404 when trying to build a local workflow with inference server

When I click on build a local workflow on the inference server homepage I get a 404 error

Unfortunately if I try to build a workflow on the website I just keep getting a blank screen as well… (will report that in another post)

This was all working fine for the last few days. The only difference today is I started working with the local server, and adding a custom Python block.

Hi @LouNL ,

Local workflows builder will be introduced inference 0.41.0

If you would like to use this feature before it’s released you can clone inference repository and start inference server like below:

# Run in directory where `inference` was cloned to
docker run \
    -it \
    --rm \
    -p 9001:9001 \
    -p 9002:9002 \
    -e ENABLE_BUILDER=True \
    -v "$(pwd)"/inference:/app/inference \
