Hi @MacAutoPlow you’ll just want to remove visualize=True
from rf.detect()
We made some updates that have made that addition unnecessary. I’ll update the comment on the old thread as well.
Here are the docs with the sample code snippet: Luxonis OAK (On Device) - Roboflow
Example with my Face Detection dataset:
- Publicly viewable link for the project: Face Detection Object Detection Dataset (v15, v2-resize640_augmented3x) by Mohamed Traore
from roboflowoak import RoboflowOak
import cv2
import time
import numpy as np
if __name__ == '__main__':
# instantiating an object (rf) with the RoboflowOak module
# API Key: https://docs.roboflow.com/rest-api#obtaining-your-api-key
rf = RoboflowOak(model="face-detection-mik1i", confidence=0.05, overlap=0.5,
version="15", api_key="XXXXXXXX", rgb=True,
depth=True, device=None, blocking=True)
# Running our model and displaying the video output with detections
while True:
t0 = time.time()
# The rf.detect() function runs the model inference
result, frame, raw_frame, depth = rf.detect()
predictions = result["predictions"]
# predictions:
# [ {
# x: (middle),
# y:(middle),
# width:
# height:
# depth: ###->
# confidence:
# class:
# mask: {
# ]
#frame - frame after preprocs, with predictions
#raw_frame - original frame from your OAK
#depth - depth map for raw_frame, center-rectified to the center camera
# timing: for benchmarking purposes
t = time.time()-t0
print("FPS ", 1/t)
print("PREDICTIONS ", [p.json() for p in predictions])
# setting parameters for depth calculation
# comment out the following 2 lines out if you're using an OAK without Depth
max_depth = np.amax(depth)
cv2.imshow("depth", depth/max_depth)
# displaying the video feed as successive frames
cv2.imshow("frame", frame)
# how to close the OAK inference window / stop inference: CTRL+q or CTRL+c
if cv2.waitKey(1) == ord('q'):